Find The Right Credit Card For You

Thursday, March 1, 2007

You can save if you want to.

Do you find yourself thinking that you don't make enough to be saving? In my mind, saving is simple: 'You spend less than what you earn, and put the rest away for a rainy day'. Okay, maybe that is too simplistic, but it is a good starting point to get yourself thinking about saving.
One thing I try to do is always ask the 'Want vs. Need' question whenever I get an impulse to buy something. Do I really need this thing I am about to buy, or do I just want it. A lot of times, in fact most of the time, I end up putting it back on the shelf, or closing the browser window before I 'Click here to Submit your order'.

Kiplinger has listed 20 tips on how to save, no matter how much you make.

1. Give yourself a raise and bank it. Boost your take-home pay by adjusting your tax-withholding and have the difference in pay automatically transferred to an online savings account. Kiplinger's tax-withholding calculator can help you revise your W-4.

2. Open a 401(k). If your employee offers a 50-cent match for every dollar you contribute, even adding $60 a month will net you over a grand a year. Plus, you defer paying taxes on your contributions, giving you a bigger paycheck now. See how even small amounts can add up.

3. Raise your car insurance deductible. Upping your out-of-pocket outlay from $250 to $1,000 can save you 15% or more off your premium. Learn more about how to save money on your car insurance.

4. Pay off your credit card. Carrying a $1,000 balance at 18% blows $180 every year on interest that you could put to better use elsewhere. See Climb Out of Debt Faster for help.

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