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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Stick it to your bank

Have a bank account? Of course you do. Pay crazy fees for no discernible reason? Check!’s Jennifer Openshaw tells you how to stick it to your bank.

Fees, fees and more fees.
Ten bucks a month for checking. Fifteen to print checks.
Twenty for a cashier's check. Thirty-five if you "blow it" and overdraw your account -- all assessed repeatedly through the day if more checks come through.

And then they have the audacity to charge you $2 for using someone else's ATM.

Fed up? Sure.

Vote with your feet. This one's simple: leave.

Let them know you exist. Moving is one option. Threatening to move is quite another.

Become a better customer. What? Stick it to your bank by becoming a better customer? Hmm, is that logical?

Stick it to your bank.

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